The government of the United States of America, via the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), and the government of the Republic of Benin signed a cooperation agreement (the Compact) for the 2006-2011 period.
The projects are for: (i) Access to Land; (ii) Access to Financial Services, (iii) Access to Justice; and (iv) Access to Markets. In order to carry out an economic evaluation of the four MCA-Benin projects, a cost-benefit analysis to evaluate the economic impact of each project was estimated using the economic rate of return (ERR). Estimation of the ERRs can inform investment decisions and provide an estimate of the total increase in income that can be attributed to each project in relation to its total costs. This estimate was ex-ante in 2006, and involved assumptions in terms of project implementation and with respect to estimates of variables and parameters
The main objective of the study is to design the models used to evaluate the economic returns of the Program and to conduct a detailed analysis of their respective beneficiaries.
The specific objectives of this study are to: